shibuya tyson go to skate park with chris.

Chicago artist Lil Twan hooked up with video director YoungWill Productions for his brand new video "What It Do," produce by All Day.
Lil Twan is ready for what ever comes his way as he ask the question "What It Do," living a adventurous lifestyle counting money.
Watch Lil Twan new video "What It Do" below by pressing play

Smooth Kid Dino is back with a brand new single the second installment of song "Real Facts," hosted by DjTalk2em.
Smooth Kid's "Real Facts 2" touches on the inner thoughts of a young man hanging on the corner who's giving lessons to the young.
When it comes to living a street life it's either death of jail and Smooth Kid gives you a audio track about his neighborhood and the real facts of choosing to live a gangster lifestyle.
Listent to Smooth Kid Dino new song by clicking here >>> "Real Facts 2"