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Future is back with some fire music produced by superstar producer for their song "Ammo & Juice."

Future is still consider to be among the top rappers of 2019, he recently was seen on camera out the country where a video went viral saying someone knocked out his security guard.

Listen to Future new single "Ammo & Juice" below by pressing play


Shibuya Tyson caught up with the famous person behind Chief Keef's rant that landed on Keef's "Love Sosa" intro.

RaRa sat down to talk about what he got going on summer 2019, his journey over the last year, Fredo Santana, and Say Cheese Tv.

During his time at AON Studios DjKenn challegned RaRa to a Mario Kart match, were both them put it all on the road.

Watch Shibuya Tyson Gaming with RaRa below by pressing play

Press play below to watch Shibuya Tyson interview with RaRa



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