Dee Money x Shibuya Tyson Interview

Super producer Deemoney been very active this summer and had time to answer some questions and let fans know what he's been cooking.
DeeMoney is a producer from North Carolina, Deemoney has done what a lot of producers never get a chance to do and that's produce a platinum record. His first big break producing came when he made the beat for the song called "Twerk It". Twerk reached Billboard top 100 and that was only the beginning .
After his first big break he hooked up with Troop 41 and made rhe song "John Wall" which hit Billboard top 100 but also made Bet and went platinum.
DeeMoney haven't slowed down and continue to have his sound heard by millions of people and played live on the radio.
Artist spend a lot of time in the spotlight, but with out a producers vision of sound you wouldn't feel as much excitement about your favorite song.
Here's Deemoney answers to questions about old school vs new school, whats he have new coming out, how to produce and get that quality sound like Deemoney on the track... 1. Hows your summer summer 16 going? My summer has been pretty good got alot of opportunities and work did my summer has been very productive 2. Whats the highest milestone you reached in your caeer The highest milestone I've reached was going platinum last year it was amazing 3. How do you feel about that milestone? in your career? i feel great bigger and better things are coming tho so I just gotta keep working 4. You have worked with a variety of artist, do you perfer to be in the studio with the artist vs sending beats over email? I prefer being in the studio because yal can build a chemistry its always better to be right there with them so they can know your face, email is not the wave no more its cool tho. 5. You recently launched tell us about that? It's my official site it keeps you updated with my new beats and songs, I produced and artist can get in contact with me on to buy beats ... they can go right to my site. 6. What new music are you excited about that haven't came out yet? I got a ton of pop records and stuff, I dont usually do but I think they are million dollar songs ... cant wait for yal to hear them 7. Do you have any advice for up and coming producers? Just grind get your face out there go to meet and greets... enter producer showcases... etc 8. Whats your opinion on the old school vs new school rap talk? My opinion on that is, I mean old school always gone listen to old school thats what they are use to they will adapt to the new generation soon... its just taking some time they have no choice but to hear the new talent thats out 9. Do you have any music kits that producers can buy to enhance there skills as you influence upcoming producers and sound? I recently dropped a midi kit with global audio yal should go get that its dope @DeemoneyNC