MBAM Lil FLip "Kush Smoke, Gun Smoke" [Rico Recklezz Diss]

After Ewol caught Lil Flip and Ayhoo KD at a studio couple months ago a lot has change. Lil Flip and his crew went on Zacktv1 and did a interview responding to Ewol and his crew jumping him on camera.
This altercation turn deadly, when Lil Flip best friend RaRa was shot and killed during a drive-by that left him dead and his child in the back seat of the car. Lil Flip can be heard saying that this is not a game and he will pull up to Emerald street where Rico Recklezz is from.
Lil Flip doesn't care that Rico is his baby mother brother. We hope no one else gets hurt over this beef but its already to deep with one death.