Producer Kid Deezy Breaks Down G Herbo's Champion Sound, Over 100 Tracks Recorded, Growth In Sou

Chicago's very own Kid Deezy stop by AON studios and sat down with me and talked about his road to success, his likes and dislikes about the game and how he became one of the top rising produccers in the rap industry.
Kid Deezy is part of 2016 Freshman G Herbo Champion Sound which consist of a few producers from Chicago. He says G Herbo locks down the studio and records for up to 12 hours in one day and has over hundreds of songs ready for fans.
Press play and find out who is all is apart of the G Herbo Chanpion Sound and see what Deezy has to say about his growth in producing since he started making beats.
This is a picture of Lil Herb in the studio lock downed with all the best producers in the industry.