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R. Kelly Said To Be Holding women At Will, Cult Save Slaves

R. Kelly is back in the news for his love and affection for women, there nrumores that the R&B legend is running a sex cult slave. R Kellys first run in happend back in 2008 afte a video with a 14 year appear to show the star having under age sex with the young girl.

Jim DeRogatis been covering R. Kelly since the Aaliyah scandal, claims parents and former associates of Kelly says the 50-year-old superstar is running an abusive “cult” of young women in his Atlanta and Chicago properties. The women isn't allowed to use their cellphones nor the bathroom without the singer’s permission, and they’re rarely allowed to contact their family.

One family let their daughter, an aspiring singer who was 19 at the time, travel with R. Kelly in the hopes that it would advance her music career. Although they’d heard about past accusations against the singer, they thought they would be able to protect their daughter from harm.

“In the back of our minds, we were thinking she could be around him if I was with her,”

“It didn’t really hit home. Even with the Aaliyah situation, now that I think about it, ‘Age Ain’t Nothing But a Number’ … but you don’t think about that. You grew up with the song, and you like the song.”

It’s been two years since R. Kelly met her parents, they’ve only seen her a few times since she initially left them. In order to reconnect with her daughter and learn more about the parameters of her relationship with Kelly, the mother has closed down her business and conducted her own investigation, sharing the information with FBI in both Illinois and Georgia.

The mother and father say their daughter is “being held against her will” in a “cult,” and they haven’t seen her since Dec. 1, 2016. When they saw her, they noticed something about her behavior had changed drastically.

“It was as if she was brainwashed. She looked like a prisone it was horrible,” the mother said.

“I hugged her and hugged her. But she just kept saying she’s in love and Kelly is the one who cares for her. I don’t know what to do. I hope that if I get her back, I can get her treatment for victims of cults. They can reprogram her. But I wish I could have stopped it from happening.”

“R. Kelly is the sweetest person you will ever want to meet,” McGee said. “But Robert is the devil.” All of the women allegedly involved with Kelly are of consenting age.

Of course, this is just the lastest chapter of a lengthy history of sexual assault allegations about Kelly. Because a bunch of allegations against him predated the true advent of the internet age, a good bit of it is lost to millennial audiences. He’s been getting accused of sexual assault and other subsets of sexual misconduct for years, and numerous reports have gone into details about the accusations, including one by Jessica Hopper for Village Voice back in 2013.

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